Nutritional Services

Address your health concerns and get peace of mind with the help of our wellness team.  At Wellness Huddle, we provide natural, patient-focused care through an office setting or through video conferencing.  There is no need to trek to the doctor's office when your not feeling your best.  Simply reach out to us and we'll do our best to assess and help you, and your family.

How It Works - 3 Simple Steps:

  1. Complete our detailed Online Survey (contact the office for first time users)
  2. Schedule Your Appointment (in-office OR on-line)
  3. At Appointment time the Doctor and Huddle Team will provide you with a Detailed Treatment Plan

Discover a more natural way to heal the body.  Our approach is drastically different than conventional medical models by shifting the traditional disease centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach and using proper nutrition for the body to heal itself.  First we assess and address specific concerns and develop a wellness treatment plan that works specifically for you.

We don't prescribe medication; instead we strive to find the root cause of your health issue and offer dietary and lifestyle modifications to sustain the body.  Our ultimate goal is to help you feel your absolute best. 

We provide you with practical strategies to deal and effectively manage all your health and well being concerns.

Conditions We Support:
* Arthritis* IBS
* Bursitis* Pneumonitis
* Dermatitis* Pleurisy
* Fibromyalgia* COPD
* Bronchitus* Laryngitis
* Gastritis* Esophagitis
* Cholecystitis* Appendicitis
* Stomatitis* Cystitis
* Ulcerative colitis* Crohn's Disease
* Depression* Colitis
* Sinusitis* Allergies
* Pancreatitis* Myocarditis
* Pre-Surgery * Tendinitis
* Post-Surgery Rehab* Cancer Support
* Cardiac Support* Female Support
* Liver Support


Our health care professionals recommend supplements derived from the whole plant with no additives or synthesized components. 

Medi-Herb - A pioneering vision of herbal therapy.  The company's genuine passion is to continually uphold the benchmark of quality, safety and efficacy in natural healthcare. This underpinned by our commitment to combine the time-honored wisdom of traditional knowledge with sound clinical experience, the rigor of scientific research and power of education. 
Standard Process - From Seed to Supplement; Standard Process has been dedicated to the field of nutritional supplements and the whole food philosophy introduced by
Dr. Royal Lee. Discover just how resilient your body can be when given the proper nutrition. 

Nutritional Testing:

We offer a wide range of Nutritional testing, the doctor will advise the best test for your individual needs:

BrainSpan Testing - Optimal Cell Health is the Foundation of Optimal Brain and Body Health.  We address items like:  ADD/ADHD; Short Term Memory; Risk of Dementia; Concussion Resilience; Healthy Weight & Aging; and Chronic Pain & Inflammation.  
Dutch Testing - Get the full hormonal picture.  
We evaluate Cortisol Metabolites, Cortisol Patterns, Overnight Melatonin, Estrogen Metabolites, Basic Hormones, and Androgen Metabolites.
Laboratory Tests - We order standard blood and urine panels for our patients.